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The only thing I want is to enjoy every moment of my life

Horse Riding ChauChau Gong Herbs & Cupping Massages Normobaria Akupuncture Grill i Bar Accomodations Dietetics Biorezonans Qigong DzogChen Workshops Magnesium Baths
the shack of Mirdad

Our cottage "The Shack of Mirdad" means not only a journey through the time, but also a journey into the world and reality that the most of us dream about,
Here, there is an eighteenth-century, mysterious, charming and warm house in the Owl Mountains (South-West Poland), with accommodation for you.
We still cherish here the best traditions in which you will find a warm and open hearts of the hosts, asylum from civilisation and so needed these days rest. Evening conversations at a large, old fireplace in the living room, a specially selected blends of tea, scalded in old teapots, a porcelain cups for an ultimate taste, antique furniture and traditional meals at a large dining table, all of it is creating memories and longings that stay with us forever.

telephone: 695918766
e-mail: chatamirdada@hotmail.com