#chatamirdada #theshackofmirdad #health #zdrowie #recovery #zdrowienie #resort #ośrodek #choroby #acupuncture #akupunktura #massage #masaż #lomilomi #ayurweda #thyroid #tarczyca #rzs #reumatoidalnezapaleniestawów #rheumatoidarthritis #nowotwory #nowotwór #mirdad #shack #chata #mirdada #rheumatoid #arthritis #reumatoidalne #zapalenie #niedoczynność #nadczynność #borelioza #wypalenie #zawodowe #mental

Our cottage "The Shack of Mirdad" means not only a journey through the time, but also a journey into the world and reality that the most of us dream about,Here, there is an eighteenth-century, mysterious, charming and warm house in the Owl Mountains (South-West Poland), with accommodation for you.
We still cherish here the best traditions in which you will find a warm and open hearts of the hosts, asylum from civilisation and so needed these days rest. Evening conversations at a large, old fireplace in the living room, a specially selected blends of tea, scalded in old teapots, a porcelain cups for an ultimate taste, antique furniture and traditional meals at a large dining table, all of it is creating memories and longings that stay with us forever.
In our resort we pay a lot of attention to physical, mental and spiritual health. Our guests have the opportunity to undergo an very effective acupuncture technique and a herbal treatments, based on old and proven recipes. Lomi Lomi Nui, Ayurvedic or Relaxation massage will surely help our customers to relax deeply and improve physical condition.
These are just some of the treatments we offer to significantly improve the health of our visitors.
We do not cure in our resort! We just help to regain the health and the joy of life!
Some of our guests just need to calm down and strengthen. Our offer for them includes a romantic accommodation in tastefully furnished guest rooms and a wonderful 8ha plot with a birch forest, flowery meadows, a huge pond, beautiful horses and more. At guests' disposal we have a summer bar, a large grill, a large Indian tent, a horse riding as well as various places for relaxation and meditation.
We also conduct workshops and trainings on the topics of recovery, dietetics and healthy nutrition, Tai Chi and Chi Kung, and Spiritual Development (based on DzogChen).
In the near future, we plan to place here a fantastic Normobaric container, which we will of course make available to our guests.

The hosts in our resort

Anna Kandziora
After obtaining an engineer degree in agriculture, Ania lived and worked for many years with her husband Andrew in the Netherlands. She is a vegetarian and was always interested in a healthy lifestyle. Since 2013, she has been practicing by the undisputed master of acupuncture in Poland - doctor Jan Pokrywka. Currently, she runs her own acupuncture practice. Her interests and practical knowledge also includes herbal therapies, moxibustion and cupping (diplomas) as well as dietetics, Traditional Chinese Medicine and spiritual development.

Andrew Kandziora
Andrew lived for over 20 years in the Netherlands, working by the multinational companies as a manager. Regardless of his professional career, he was interested from early childhood in personal development, history and cultural studies - mainly the cultures of Far East region. Already as a teenager, he began exploring the secrets of martial arts, discovering later the fascinating world of Eastern philosophy and the richness and wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Through all these years, he has expanded his spiritual and practical knowledge. For years, he practices and develops according to DzogChen principles - a unique way of mastering your own perfection through internal understanding.

Agnieszka Guziewicz
Aga is a younger sister of Ania. After graduating from the University, she went for few years to Switzerland. She has a lot of experience as a masseuse, especially relaxation massage and Hawaiian massage - Lomi Lomi Nui. Additionally she is a certified (great!) Chef with experience by quality restaurants. Aga is constantly learning and developing. She loves life among nature and she lives by her heart.

Wiktoria Guziewicz
Wiktoria is the youngest sister of Ania and Aga. After obtaining Master of Science & Engineer in Dietetics and Human Nutrition as well as Engineer of Zoology at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wroclaw, Poland she joined our project. She is currently learning acupuncture and is still developing in the broad subject of a healthy lifestyle. Like Ania - Wiktoria has been a vegetarian for many years.