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Ania studied acupuncture for years under the guidance of the master of acupuncture - doctor Jan Pokrywka from Kłodzko, Poland (, and currently is running her independent practice.
Application of acupuncture by a Korean ThanDza method is very extensive and in many cases strongly surprises with its effectiveness. Ania continues to extend her knowledge and improve her skills, wanting to help all those in need, in the widest possible range. Her support is not limited to acupuncture. Ania also improves her knowledge in the field of phytotherapy (herbal medicine), moxibustion and cupping(traditional and Chinese cupping) as well as other techniques in Traditional Chinese Medicine, convinced that they are complementary to acupuncture, in the process of healing.
And here is what Dr. Pokrywka himself has to say about the ThanDza method of acupuncture:
"In particular, over the years I have been improving the variety of acupuncture originating from North Korea and determined Than dza, piong po, piong sa. Many practitioners of acupuncture say that in this variety of acupuncture I won the full championship. Acupuncture was and is my primary healing tool."
Below we present only some examples of diseases, where the "Than Dza" acupuncture method proves to be effective in recovery processes:
- bone and muscle diseases
- mental and emotional disorders (eg depression,
neurosis, insomnia, addiction)
- neurological disorders (eg headaches and dizziness,
noise in ears, paresis after stroke)
- disorders of the immune system
- skin diseases (acne, psoriasis, eczema, allergies)
- cardiovascular disease
- respiratory system diseases
- gastrointestinal and liver disorders
- gynaecological and obstetric problems
- hormonal disorders
- urological diseases
- obesity
... and many others
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